LWW-11: Top Ten Tips for Writers, Part Two

In this episode, TB & Clare finish dispensing their top tips for writers.

First, they catch up with what’s going on in their lives. Clare discusses her upcoming trip to Jamaica and TB shares a Lesbians Who Write surprise with Clare, getting them one-step closer to world domination. Huzzah!

During the comment section, Clare and TB accept a challenge by a listener, and TB admits she’ll blush a lot discussing lesbian sex on the podcast.

TB also slips in another mention about her mint chocolate chip ice cream addiction. It’s possible she has a serious problem.

Then they launch into the final five tips for authors. They dive into the necessity of honing observational skills, which both of them admit they’re rubbish at, but they are trying to improve. Clearly, this is an example of do as they say, not do as they do. Also, they give advice about the importance of hiring a professional editor—an absolute must in their humble opinion. Next up is a misconception that all writers are like Ernest Hemingway, which means they drink a lot and write little. This romantic image is so wrong! TB and Clare discuss one thing that can be a difficult concept to live by: the need to be patient. To succeed in this career, it’s important to keep plugging away. Finally, they delve into one of the biggest aspects that holds back so many: fear of failure and fear of success. TB reveals she has a very niche fear. Clare says she’ll always be there for TB when this fear rears its ugly head. It’s a beautiful Lesbians Who Write moment.

Stop back next week for a discussion about word counts: should writers keep track? If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head on over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you!

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LWW-10: Top Ten Tips for Writers, Part One

In this episode, TB & Clare share five tips for writers.

First, they catch up with what’s going on in their lives. TB is on her second disastrous week in a row and blames Clare for calling her the Titanic TB last week, cursing TB. Clare is making good progress on her latest novel. Woot!

During the comment section, Clare comes up with a new tagline for the podcast: unboring and unstuffy. It might need some work. Clare has also decided she has a new mission: to make TB cry on the podcast.

Then they launch into five tips for authors. They dive into why you have to love telling stories. Also, they give advice about schedules and the writing process. TB and Clare discuss one thing that can be the writer’s enemy. Next up is a rabbit hole many authors trick themselves into believing is helpful, when many times it’s actually a crutch. Finally, for this episode, they delve into why it’s so difficult to turn off the writerly brain. Although, Clare is still waiting for her shower epiphany.

Stop back next week for top ten tips for writers, part two. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head on over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you!

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LWW-9: Knowing what we know now, how would we launch our first books?

In this episode, TB talks about her wreck of a week: getting caught in a rainstorm and her author email being shut down briefly. Clare shares about her epic week, including Tottenham winning and seeing Michelle Obama speak.

They also answer a question from a listener who wanted to know if either Clare or TB had ever been working on a story and then come across another book with a very similar synopsis.

TB turns the table on Clare and asks knowing what Clare knows now, how would she launch a book? Clare outlines several things she’d do differently. The big takeaway is to be nice to authors and readers. TB shares why she started her website I Heart Lesfic. The short story, she got the stiff arm from other lesbian fiction websites when she first started out and she felt lonely. Now, TB wants to help other authors feel like they have support in the community. They both discuss certain services they use to make launching books easier.

Clare brings up the most important part of being an indie author in the twenty-first century, and TB couldn’t agree more.

Stop back next week when Clare and TB will be discussing their top tips for authors. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head on over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you!

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LWW-8: How Did We Launch Our First Books?

In this episode, TB & Clare talk about writing their latest books and how the process never gets any easier. TB is waiting for the book to click but is plowing on; meanwhile, Clare has trashed her first 10,000 words and is starting again. It’s all part of the process!

They also chat about their ailments (shoulder, hip) and recommend cod liver oil for its lubricating qualities—almost with a straight face. Clare’s been obsessed with the reality show Married At First Sight and wants to write a lesbian romance version.

They both share how they launched their first book, how nerve-racking pressing the publish button is, and how it’s incredible when people you don’t know start to buy your books. A life-changing moment. Neither really knew what they were doing, but their first effort was encouraging enough to try it again, and the rest is herstory.

Stop back next week when we’ll be discussing how we’d launch our first book now, with over a decade of publishing experience behind us.  If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head on over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. We’d love to hear from you!

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LWW-7: What do we think of literary events & awards?

In this episode, Clare & TB get a little sweary in a bid to live up to their explicit tag. They almost manage it. They talk about writing their joint Cotswolds books. TB is at the saggy, soggy middle, swearing a lot and eating too much ice cream. Clare is at the beginning, where the world is still full of possibility and wonder. Give her a week, and she’ll be sobbing, too. Such is the cycle of writing a book!

They both agree they’re not very outdoorsy (minus lesbian points). However, Clare has booked Indigo Girls tickets (plus points!), TB is going to an Amanda Palmer gig (more points!), and Clare once won a darts trophy (extra bonus points!).

When it comes to literary events, both agree they’re worth it to network and meet readers. They’re also good for inspiration, but tiring too, especially for introverts. TB is off to a bumper crop of events this year, and Clare will be at the Happy Valley Pride in Hebden Bridge. Neither likes entering awards. In fact, they’ve left Clare a little scarred. The only award they need is a thumbs-up from readers. Yay!

Clare & TB are both pleased as punch with the bonanza of comments they’ve received. Keep them coming, and get a shout-out. Also, tell them what you think of literary events & awards.

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LWW-6: What are the biggest challenges and the greatest joys of being a full-time writer?

Welcome to episode six of Lesbians Who Write, where Clare & TB riff on many topics, including the major one: what are the biggest challenges and the greatest joys of being a full-time writer?

First up, they chat about their weeks. Clare reveals she spends an inordinate amount of time every day trying and failing to get tickets for theater and football. It’s a sad state of affairs. However, she did manage to get some tickets to see a musical this week, so all was not lost. Plus, she launched her new second-chance romance You’re My Kind and it’s doing kinda well, so hurrah!

TB reveals she’s started work on a new series that she’s writing with Clare and Harper Bliss. Set in the sleepy Cotswolds, the series will feature three books to start, one by each author, and all the characters will live in the same village and know each other. They’re being written now, so expect them to drop in June/July. Exciting!

TB then reveals her greatest joys of the day job. First, being her own boss. Although she does still shout at herself for being stupid sometimes. Second, when her writing touches readers, that makes things all worthwhile. Third, she’s fulfilling her childhood dream of being a writer. All pretty epic joys! Clare echoes those and reveals she never thought she’d be a fiction writer because someone once told her she wouldn’t be much good at it and she believed them. Not anymore!

Challenges include when friends and family ask when you’re going to write “a real book” (ie: without so many lesbians). Also, they discuss the difficulties of navigating the work/life balance and getting enough exercise and veg for a healthy lifestyle. But TB reveals she’s taken a (green) leaf out of Clare’s book and is now walking and eating veg like a ninja. Score!

Plus, Clare reveals she doesn’t own pajamas. TB is outraged.

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LWW-5: How to deal with change in your personal and work lives?

Clare and TB talk about change and how to deal with it—in their personal lives and in their work lives. First up, they chat about their week, including going to the Cotswolds (and marveling at its teeny-tiny bridges), along with spending time at the London Book Fair with Harper Bliss & her Mrs. Summary: there were many books & much beer. Hurrah!

TB then reveals she’s had huge change in her life recently. Drum roll: she’s had to move back to the USA due to Brexit (boo)—her fourth international move in seven years. But throughout it all, she’s continued writing and publishing, which shows what a true Change Warrior she is. We might make her a badge with that on it.

Clare talks about her year of change in 2018, when she hired a business coach to alter her mindset and writing process; and in 2019, she’s continuing her new path by hiring a personal trainer. Plus, Clare, TB, and Harper are all embarking on a new style of writing and publishing in the summer. The key takeaway: Change is gonna happen. Some of it is in your control; some of isn’t. Don’t fight it. The only thing you can do is embrace it!

Saying that, TB would like to not move again for at least a year. She also doesn’t want to see another cardboard box anytime soon.

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LWW-4: How do you achieve being a healthy writer?

Clare and TB tackle the burning question: How do you stay on track for physical health?

First, they catch up about what’s been going on in their lives, including TB’s writing retreat in Hull, Massachusetts, where she started outlining a secret project that Clare is also involved in. Clare announces the Diva Literary Festival has been postponed, a true bummer since Clare was slotted for a panel hosted by Rachel Shelley from The L Word.

They move on to the main topic, and TB chats about her desire of being outside one to two hours a day, but recent upheavals in her life and super tight editing deadlines have interfered with her physical health. Clare opens up about her battle with weight and how she’s getting back into regular exercising. She’s even hired a personal trainer and will use the podcast for accountability.

TB realizes she needs to hit a life reset button, while Clare has been spending money on investing in Clare. They talk about how making small changes in life add up, and Clare drops a revolutionary formula for healthy living.

The two switch to healthy eating, and TB, a lifelong veg hater, admits she’s been trying to find veggies she can stomach. Clare grew up in a dessert-loving family and shares how she has to include something sweet to finish every meal, including breakfast.

They round out the conversation by providing tips for newbie authors wanting to stay healthy while working from home.

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LWW-3: Who or what inspires you to write?

TB shares big news about her exciting week and mentions her conundrum dealing with a successful series and not wanting to let readers down. Clare had a busy week and a crushing disappointment. (Will she be able to write again?) Clare and TB chat about what inspires them to write, discovering they both had school experiences that set them onto the writing path. The conversation wouldn’t be complete without discussing which writers inspired them, and they disclose how they find inspiration when they don’t feel like writing. Clare rounds out the discussion by mentioning L.S.D (perhaps not the LSD you think).

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LWW-2: Where do you get your ideas?

Right out of the gate, Clare proves why writers need editors and drops a fab writing tip. (Get your notepad ready.) Clare and TB discuss what it takes to get a project across the finish line. Clare shares one of her phobias, proving she has the writer’s personality. Then Clare and TB discuss where they get ideas from and tackle a common fear for many beginning writers. TB opens up about having insomnia. Clare name-drops from her musical journalism days. They discuss their process of diving into a project and what happens when you encounter a writing curveball. Clare offers another writing fantastic writing tip that TB will utilize from now on. They finish with sage advice about the writing process.

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