LWW20: Let’s Talk About Editing

We’ve entered the dog days of summer, but Clare isn’t showing signs of fatigue. Her introductory skills have reached a new level, impressing the heck out of TB. Please give a round of applause for Clare!

TB has big news. Her latest novel: A Shot at Love (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TZRLFV9), book one of The Village Romance series (https://lesbianromancesbytbm.com/the-village-romance-series/), has been published. Woohoo! Clare’s book, A Taste of Love, the second book of the trilogy, will be out the week of July 24th.

Clare has had a week of watching the Women’s World Cup and hearing Elizabeth Gilbert speak. The two discuss Gilbert’s books, and Clare says Gilbert is an engaging and authentic speaker. Both TB and Clare love to hear writers talk about their process. Clare recommends Rachael Herron’s How Do You Write Podcast. In fact, Clare’s been a guest (http://howdoyouwrite.net/episodes/103). Woot!

In ice cream news, Clare reveals another flavor from her book, A Taste of Love. TB actually gives Clare the double thumbs-up. A first in LWW history!

The duo moves on to the main subject of this week’s episode: editing. They dive into what editors do. How do you get one? How do you work with one? Clare and TB break down the three types of edits they recommend: developmental, copyedit, and proofread. It’s imperative to find an editor who understands your writing style and whom you can trust. They agree that going through the editing process is a wonderful education, and each project helps them hone their craft. The bottom line is: editing is an investment in your future and in your writing business.

Resources mentioned in this episode:





Stop back next week for another lively conversation about how Clare’s and TB’s years are going at the halfway mark of 2019. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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4 Responses to LWW20: Let’s Talk About Editing

  1. Carol Hutchinson says:

    Awesome episode!

    Great advice and really helpful 🙂

    Banoffee Ice Cream, ok if only the flavour. If has pieces of banana in then nope!

    • admin says:

      I take it a banana split is totally out of the question. Do they have those in the UK? When I was a kid, I loved them.

      Thanks for listening!


  2. JJ Arias says:

    I’d never heard of this Banoffee situation lol I’ll reserve judgment. That mango ginger one has so far been my favorite flavor. Also, I listen to you guys while eating lunch and this topic always makes me want something sweet!

    I’ve used Reedsy before and you can get a sample edit from multiple potential editors, which is nice to have them all in one place like that. They are also vetted so you know the person is who they say they are, and the website handles the payment. I’ve had good experiences, but the draw back is that they are typically way more expensive. I’ve had some success on the site Upwork, but that takes more vetting on your own.

    Keep up the great work, and the book covers for the new series are just beautiful. Thanks for giving us great book cover role models in our favorite genre!

    JJ Arias (like the multiple musical ahr-ee-uhs ::insert winking face:: )

    • admin says:

      Hey there JJ!

      Each episode makes me want to have ice cream. And, I already want to have ice cream all the time so it makes my cravings even worse. Not a terrible problem to have, though.

      Thanks for sharing about your experience about Reedsy. It’s extremely helpful to be able to pool our of experiences and resources to help all writers.

      I would like to give a shoutout to Harper Bliss’s Mrs for the fantastic covers for The Village Romance series. She knocked it out of the park.

      Thanks so much for listening! TB

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