LWW18: What’s Your Daily Routine?

Another week in the lives of two dynamic lesbian fiction authors! This time around, TB has a summer cold and is dosed up on medicine. (Please send sympathy and donuts to the usual address.) Meanwhile, Clare has had a week of jollying around London Town, seeing gigs, staying up past her bedtime, and being stalked by Sarah Waters. Or was it the other way around? She’s not sure.

Clare with ice cream in gob.

TB is still laying off the cookie dough, and Clare still hasn’t won Hamilton tickets. She’s British. She’s stoic about it. In our new section, Clare reveals another ice cream flavor from her new book, A Taste of Love. TB is baffled and has no idea what one of the ingredients is. Clare is baffled that TB’s baffled. There is much bafflement.

Onto the main topic, and both Clare and TB agree that working for yourself as a full-time author means no one day is ever the same. But that’s okay. However, the key thing that does stick in their daily routine is exercise for both, meditation for Clare, and then key blocks of work time where they get the writing, podcasting, and/or marketing done. Working for yourself means you can have flexibility and freedom, but working hard to meet all your deadlines is key!

Stop back next week for another lively conversation about lesbian fiction book covers. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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6 Responses to LWW18: What’s Your Daily Routine?

  1. When we go out for a walk, my dog sniffs every tree on the block, but now I don’t mind. I have your podcasts to listen to. They keep me well entertained!
    My wife and I are going to the Cotswolds (my first time to that part of England) in a few weeks -the trip should coincide nicely with the release of your joint Cotswolds series. I look forward to reading them.

    • admin says:

      Hey there!

      I remember walking my dog in London and he was a pro at sniffing for looooong periods. I would listen to audiobooks. I wasn’t into podcasts quite yet.

      I hope you enjoy your times in the Cotswolds. The villages are so charming. Thanks so much for listening and for commmenting!


  2. JJ Arias says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful episode! This is the podcast I look forward to every week! And fantastic pronunciation of my name TB 😀 it was spot on.

    I have a question, I don’t know if this is something you might talk about in a future episode and if so please feel free to disregard until then – but I was thinking about how some genres are “LGBT” on Amazon, when the audiences don’t really mix around in the “LGBT” sense. So, for example, I’ve been writing paranormal lesbian romance, so it falls under LGBT Fantasy, but so much of my competition is M/M romance, and I doubt there is much crossover in our audiences. With my latest book I would have been at number one if it were an F/F only list like lesbian romance. Do you think Amazon would ever make a Lesbian Fantasy subcategory? I think for genres like literary fiction, biographies, memoire, history, etc it should be a combined list, but otherwise they are really distinct audiences – just like romance. I hope that made sense and I’m so curious to hear your thoughts!

    • admin says:

      What a relief that I got your name right. That’s probably a one-time thing.

      Great question and I think it’s something we can discuss at some point. I know many f/f authors in different subgenres have felt the same frustration. I’ll run it by Clare.

      Thanks so much for spurring some debate and for listening!


  3. Nik says:

    I cannot wait for the Cotswolds series. Between this podcast and Harper Bliss & her Mrs, I am shaking with excitement. Now, does Clare normally punch her face when she is disappointed?!? That might be a serious problem. As for T.B., you said you are not a morning person, but you are up between 6:30 and 7:00? Isn’t that the definition of a morning person? =D.
    Keep up the awesomeness, ladies!

    • admin says:

      Hi Nik!

      I’m so excited to get the first book in the series out and I’ve read advance copies of Clare and Harper’s books and the readers are in for a treat.

      I’ll have to ask Clare about her face-punching tendencies.

      I do wake early in the summer becasue the sun is up, but I am not functioning at all until well after 10am. In the winter, I don’t rise until well after 8am. I hate alarms and I don’t have blackout curtains in my bedroom, so I let the sun wake me. Another perk of being an indie. Being able to change my hours according to the season.

      Thanks so much for listening and commenting!


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