LWW 31: How Did You Discover Lesbian Romance?

Clare is on holiday in Milan, and TB is insanely jealous.

Although the duo only spoke a few days ago, TB has been super busy. She needs a drumroll… Reservations of the Heart is now live on Amazon. Woot! Without announcing the release, the book is surprising TB by climbing the lesbian romance charts. She gives a heartfelt shout-out to her ARC team.

Clare has had a special birthday weekend, which wasn’t planned, making it even better. She sent off Made in London to be proofed. TB can’t wait to read it. On Clare’s birthday, it was a sunny day in London, so she sat in her garden and read a book. Imagine that, an author reading a book! She recommends it for everyone.

Now for the main topic: Lesbian Romance. TB and Clare share the first ones they read and how being lesfic authors changed their lesbian romance reading habits. They’re both of an age that when they were in their twenties, it was much harder to find lesbians in stories. With ereaders and indie publishing, there’s now a lesbian romance bonanza. It’s a great time to be a lesbian fiction reader.

Link to Reservations of the Heart:


Stop back next week for another revealing conversation about their revision process. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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LWW30: Social Media for Writers

It’s Clare’s birthday. Send cake and balloons!

TB’s week has been busy, even though she only penned a lousy 2k. She’s been battling a cold/flu thing and whining quite a bit. In good news, the word from her ARC team has been positive about Reservations of the Heart. The highlight of her week: watching the US Open tennis finals.

Clare’s audiobook is finally off her plate. Squee! Even better news, aside from it being her birthday, she’s fallen in love again with her upcoming release Made in London. This is a huge step! Also, she’s commissioned to have her website refreshed. In shocking news, while in a loo, she discovered a title for a book. One word: controversial.

Now for the main subject: social media. Clare lays down the ground rules for how writers should use it. They discuss the pros and cons, and neither of them thinks they use SM correctly. Clare is a bit controversial, which is kinda the norm since her favorite C-word is the one most would never utter. The duo caution not to get too caught up with social media since it’s designed to be addictive. Remember, the point of social media is to be social.

Resources mentioned:



Stop back next week for another hilarious conversation about how they discovered lesbian romance. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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LWW29: How Ambitious Are You?

The duo has been busy. TB’s week involved finishing a proofread on an audiobook, getting 15k written on a first draft of the next Lizzie book, and sending out ARCs of Reservations of the Heart. She’s been so busy she hasn’t had much time for fun, but she’s done her best to squeeze in watching tennis.

Clare put her current writing project on the back burner to focus on getting Made in London ready for proofreading. The good news, her editor and wife like what she’s written so far. Woot! Now she needs to plow through her mental block and finish Made in London. Cheer her on, folks! It hasn’t been all work for Clare. She’s had houseguests and went for a pint and pie with an old friend.

After Clare explains an old adage that confuses the hell out of TB, the two turn to the main topic: How ambitious are you? First, they define ambitious, and Clare claims she isn’t. Everyone else who knows Clare disagrees. Then they delve into the double standard for men and women when it comes to being ambitious. It’s 2019, but there are still hurdles for women when it comes to chasing dreams. Clare becomes quite profound, impressing the heck out of TB. They round out the convo by sharing writers they admire.

The I Heart Lesfic links mentioned in the podcast:



Stop back next week for another entertaining conversation about social media for authors. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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LWW28: Favorite Podcasts

It’s September, and the duo are ready to dive back into routines after busy summers. If only life would allow it! But they’re professionals and keep rolling with the punches.

TB’s week has been filled with proofing an audiobook (exciting), getting Reservations of the Heart ready to send to her ARC team (slightly terrifying), and she’s been asked to join the 2020 New England Chapter of the Romance Writer’s of America (that’s a mouthful) conference planning committee (she’s envisioning lots of spreadsheets). Also, she got a photo of an invisible sloth. It’s possible she’s gullible.

Clare’s week also involved proofing an audiobook (fab news), she has 25k on her new book (great work), and she’s struggling with editing the latest London book (send her best wishes!). Clare needs to battle the shiny new book syndrome. Since it’s been hot in London, she’s been eating ice cream, putting TB to shame.

On to the main topic: podcasts! Both are avid listeners, which shouldn’t be all that surprising since they have their own. They share which writing podcasts they turn to. TB gets slightly miffed that Clare hasn’t mentioned one about creativity until recording this episode (bad Clare!). But they don’t just listen to writing podcasts, and they share a few of the fun ones they enjoy. They do caution not to fall too far into the podcast rabbit hole. It’s easy to spend too much time researching. If you only have one hour a day, it might be better spent writing most of the days of the week. It’s all about balance.

Links to stuff mentioned in this week’s episode:




Stop back next week for another lively conversation about how ambitious they are. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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LWW27: Should You Go Into Kindle Unlimited Or Not?

It’s August, and our intrepid duo are struggling to get back into their routines after a summer of traveling and conferences. TB’s week has involved insect bites (bad), terrible cookie dough ice cream (unspeakably bad), and getting her next book, Reservations of the Heart, ready for launch (good!). Meanwhile, Clare’s week involved a trip to the Cotswolds (good), writing her new book (good), and sending the wrong file to her audio narrator for You’re My Kind (very bad). She still hasn’t won Hamilton tickets (fml), and neither remembered to take any photos. It’s like they don’t own smartphones. They need to be more millennial.

On to the main topic, both Clare and TB reveal how Kindle Unlimited has changed the face of indie publishing, and what their experience with it is. TB is all-in bar one book, going exclusively with Kindle Unlimited for selling and streaming. Clare has launched her last four books in KU but only leaves them in there for a certain time period before taking them wide to the other platforms. There are pros and cons for KU, but none of it makes a difference unless you’ve got a good book to sell, with strong editing, an appealing cover, and intriguing blurb. Are you bored of us saying that yet?

Stop back next week for another lively conversation about the podcasts we love. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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LWW26: Reviews: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

The duo had to persevere technical issues to get episode 26 recorded. They’re true professionals, although Clare is heads above TB when it comes to pronouncing difficult words.

On Tuesday, TB finished a project and celebrated by going to the beach on Wednesday. She ended up having too much fun and checked into a hotel, turning her beach day into a short vacation in New Hampshire. But she needed a break since she’s about to release the first of two standalone novels. Exciting!

Clare is still having family time, which has involved a lot of karaoke. TB learned Clare’s sister, who is 18 years older, is way cooler than TB. On the work front, Clare is going over a draft of a novel she penned six months ago, and it’s like a brand-spanking-new story she’s never seen before. Don’t fear; she plans to punch it into shape and look for an October release!

They move onto the topic of the week: reviews. In order to get your book noticed, you need social proof, which means getting reviews. Simply put: reviews are the lifeline of books. Dealing with reviews isn’t always easy, and Clare shares a story about how easy it can be to internalize a negative one. TB reads reviews and tries to see similarities, good and bad, in them in order to hone her writing. Clare points out reviews are great for quotes. Both share some of their favorite one-star reviews. Also, they discuss the importance of ARC teams. While reviews are vital for authors, it’s important not to let them get you down. They’re one person’s opinion, and no author can please everyone. The best thing to do is to keep writing.

Stop back next week for a lively discussion about going wide versus Kindle Unlimited. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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LWW25: Dishing the Dirt on Collaboration

TB is impressed with Clare’s pronunciation of kaleidoscopic. Clare confesses she can pronounce complicated words but can’t read the alphabet. TB can’t do either.

TB just returned from a weekend in New York City and completely nerded out by purchasing one of the ugliest history T-shirts she’s ever owned. Also, while in the Big Apple, she had a chance to meet Lori Prince, one of her narrators. TB didn’t even realize she was networking. She’s a pro, folks, and can pretty much collaborate in her sleep.

Clare has had family over, and she’s been playing tourist guide. She doesn’t recommend sightseeing in London on a Saturday during a bike event. She’s also been sick, but she helped her parents celebrate their sixty-fifth wedding anniversary. Huge congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Lydon!

This week’s topic involves collaboration, which is something the duo knows about. TB provides background about why and when she first started thinking about networking. Bottomline, TB took it seriously because she thought her career was over due to not getting a work permit when she moved to Ireland in 2016, which meant she couldn’t publish for over a year, and she had to think outside the box. That’s how I Heart Lesfic and the new release newsletter came into being.

Clare used to think collaboration wasn’t for her since she’s an introvert. Her first collaboration involved a joint sale with TB and Harper Bliss. The bigger yes came when Harper asked Clare to cowrite Once Upon a Princess, which was a project that was out of her comfort zone. That was the very reason why Clare said yes. Now that’s bold!

The Lesbians Who Write podcast came into being via one of the best collaborations. Enough said!

The big takeaway about collaboration is to keep an open mind. It can be a rewarding experience, but make sure you know and trust the person/people involved in the project. Clare sums it up best: it’s “so much fun to have friends.”

Links to stuff mentioned in this week’s episode:

The Village Romance series: https://lesbianromancesbytbm.com/books/the-village-romance-series/

I Heart Lesfic: https://iheartlesfic.com/

I Heart Lesfic New Release Newsletter: https://iheartlesfic.com/new-lesfic-releases/

Once Upon a Princess: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/once-upon-a-princess/

Life in Bits: https://lesbianromancesbytbm.com/books/life-in-bits/

Stop back next week for another riveting conversation about dealing with reviews. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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LWW24: What Stories from Our Real Lives We Have Used in Our Fiction

It’s August already. How did that happen? This week, TB is delighted with Clare’s description of her. She’s always wanted to be jazzy, and now she is! She tells us all about her weekend in New York City at the Romance Writers of America conference. TB’s verdict: she picked up some golden tips. Once she’s deciphered her notes, she’s going to share on a later episode. She also went to see the Red Sox, and they lost. Sad times.

As well as launching her latest book, A Taste of Love, Clare has been busy speaking at Happy Valley Pride in Yorkshire. She waxes lyrical about the brilliant lineup of authors and the audience, and would go back in a flash. Clare and TB make a date for the RWA Conference in Nashville, 2021. They like to be organized.

Then it’s onto this week’s big topic: what stories from their real lives have the duo included in their novels? TB’s real-life stories include allergic reactions that landed her in the ER, losing her sight, a comedy dog’s name, and an acid trip. You’ll never look at a gummy bear in the same light once you’ve listened to this.

Clare’s real-life stories feature a couple of comedy dates, along with the first funeral of a friend. Plus, she tells of all the locations and jobs she’s had or visited in real life that have made it into her books. The conclusion is: authors include snippets of their real lives throughout all of their books, but they are invariably twisted or changed to suit the characters and the story. So be careful what you say to an author, because you really might end up in the pages of their next novel!

Links to stuff mentioned in this week’s episode:

TB’s Village Romance blog post: https://iheartlesfic.com/2019/07/15/guest-post-clare-lydon-lays-down-the-kissing-law/

Clare’s Village Romance blog post: https://www.clarelydon.co.uk/2019/07/introducing-the-village-romance-series/

Happy Valley Pride: www.happyvalleypride.com

Romance Writers of America: https://www.rwa.org/

Stop back next week for another lively conversation about collaboration. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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LWW23: How We Come Up with Book Titles and Character Names

The duo is back from lots of travel, and they’re thrilled to catch up with each other.

TB has been going to writing conferences while also launching a book. Clare’s life has also been hectic. She road tripped through Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Within two days of returning, Clare launched book 2 of The Village Romance series (https://lesbianromancesbytbm.com/books/the-village-romance-series). TB urges everyone to grab their copy of A Taste of Love (https://www.amazon.com/Taste-Love-Village-Romance-Book-ebook/dp/B07VKDVPV4) because the book is amazing.

Clare has ice cream news just in time for her release. A Taste of Love has lots of ice cream talk. In Poland, ice cream is called lody, but Clare isn’t sure how to pronounce it. She was disappointed by her flavor choice, and TB is shocked Clare hates one particular flavor. Clare reveals the final flavor from A Taste of Love.

The two move onto the main topic: how do they come up with book titles and character names. For titles, TB doesn’t have a set method. For the first book, her partner, over beer and wine, came up with A Woman Lost. Clare wishes she knew the title at the start. She plies friends with drinks and asks for ideas. When in doubt, Clare falls back onto song titles since they’re always in her head. For character names, TB doesn’t know the names of her supporting cast until she gets to know them more, and she sorta uses a system of another writer. Clare favors names with certain letters and sounds. She also uses Facebook for inspiration. While titles and character names can be difficult, it’s best to keep writing the story. They’ll come to you. When in doubt, take your friends and family out and beg for ideas.



Stop back next week for another lively conversation about what stories from their real lives they have used in their fiction. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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LWW22: Lesbian TV and Movie Characters Who Have Inspired Our Writing

July is nearly over, and that means it’s almost time for the release of A Taste of Love, Clare’s novel in The Village Romance series (https://lesbianromancesbytbm.com/the-village-romance-series/). Woot!

TB isn’t so sure about Clare’s adjectives that begin with an H until hearing the ones Clare tossed out. The duo recorded this episode early, and Clare tries to hum a song to clue in TB about the significance of the day. As usual, TB is clueless.

TB shares she had a terrible week prepping A Shot at Love for publication. Both of them agree the week before a launch is never fun. Clare had to dig deep to get her book over the finish line so she could send it out to her ARC team. She’s been too busy to apply for Hamilton tickets. A travesty!

They move on to the main subject of this week’s episode: lesbian TV and movie characters who have inspired their writing. TB confesses she forgot to prep, but Clare, the uber professional, has TB’s back. A true friend! Clare discusses the characters that impacted her in the 90s, a couple of them unknown to TB. Then Clare moves on to present-day characters. For someone who didn’t prepare, TB has a surprising amount to say. The bottom line: both are surprised how far lesbian representation has come over the past couple of decades, but there’s still room for improvement.

Stop back next week for another lively conversation about how they choose their book titles and character names. If you’d like to leave a comment on the episode, head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com. They’d love to hear from you. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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