LWW 53: What Writing Quirks Drive Our Editors Mad?

This was a difficult episode for TB since she had the flu and could barely get out of bed, which incidentally was her one accomplishment for the week.

Clare, on the other hand, has been busy, busy, busy getting ready for her week away. She’s had a packed January and February, and she’s looking forward to having some time off so she can return refreshed to launch Before You Say I Do. The book will be released on March 10th.

TB bets that Clare will return from a week in the sun with no tan whatsoever.

The duo tackles the question: what writing quirks drive their editors mad? Clare shares what she learned in her early days about filter words and dialogue tags. TB admits she’s been having a crisis lately about dialogue tags due to listening to many audiobooks that weigh down every piece of dialogue with too many he said/she saids. Both of them overuse certain words, and they don’t add descriptions of clothing, rooms, or the setting until the second or third drafts. Clare has a fondness for French words, but can’t spell them correctly. As with every part of the business, eradicating certain quirks takes time and patience, and it’s important to never stop learning.

Two Announcements:

1. The LWW Meetup in London is scheduled for March 8 at The Somers Town Coffee House around 3ish. Please let them know if you’re planning on attending. Either email them (lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com) or message them on the socials. They need to reserve enough space.

The Somers Town Coffee House: www.yummypubs.co.uk/the-somers-town-coffee-house-home

2. Blubrry, their podcast host, is asking for listeners to nominate their favorite female podcasters. Clare and TB would appreciate it if you would nominate them because the prize, if they win, is a free year of podcast hosting, an interview on Podcast Insider, social media buzz, and a swag bag. You can nominate them here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdZD4P-lt-SBfGtVP6sIbPKmgLmGwUReGuq6bFrG1acTQJjfA/viewform

Resources and links:

Article on Filter Words: writeitsideways.com/are-these-filter-words-weakening-your-fiction/

South Coast Lesfic Hang-Out: sclho.wordpress.com/

Please let them know if you have any questions about writing quirks, and TB is curious how many people can actually wink. Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for another hilarious conversation.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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1 Response to LWW 53: What Writing Quirks Drive Our Editors Mad?

  1. Miira says:

    You sure enrich our reading lives!

    TB: I can wink with either eye.. but only raise one eyebrow.

    Ohh god, you two had me laughing out loud at this episode – so loud that Stella the doxie woke up and gave me an extremely reproachful side-eye (like only a dachshund can).

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