LWW-1: Introducing the Lesbians Who Write Podcast

Clare and TB introduce themselves to the podcast world in their inaugural episode. Huzzah! They chat about when they came up with the idea of Lesbians Who Write (beer was involved) and why they started writing lesbian fiction in the first place. Clare lobs TB the thorny question of what exactly lesbian fiction is and who can write it. They discover how history influenced both of their writing careers, leaving TB a historian, slightly heartbroken. They move on to what’s their favorite part of writing and how the power of deadlines impacts their careers.

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7 Responses to LWW-1: Introducing the Lesbians Who Write Podcast

  1. Donna Renee Anderson says:

    I enjoyed listening to how you both move through your writing process. That not only lesbians can write lesbian fiction was something that stuck in my mind; and, not being exclusive but inclusive. Setting deadlines was helpful; and, learning about self-publishing as something that’s doable.
    Thank you for this podcast.

    • admin says:

      Hey there! I’m thrilled to hear you enjoyed the episode. I wouldn’t get anything done without setting deadlines. Thanks so much for listening! TB

  2. Bonnie says:

    Clare, you have a beautiful voice. MB sounds exactly as I imagined, totally fun!
    I found the podcast very entertaining and informative. Can’t wait for the next one.

  3. Anna Turner says:

    Thank you for sharing about writing wlw books. I was just wondering if you all make a good enough living from writing??
    Shame on me for only discovering lesfic towards the end of last year. Am really enjoying. Looking forward to the next podcast.

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