LWW-1: Introducing the Lesbians Who Write Podcast

Clare and TB introduce themselves to the podcast world in their inaugural episode. Huzzah! They chat about when they came up with the idea of Lesbians Who Write (beer was involved) and why they started writing lesbian fiction in the first place. Clare lobs TB the thorny question of what exactly lesbian fiction is and who can write it. They discover how history influenced both of their writing careers, leaving TB a historian, slightly heartbroken. They move on to what’s their favorite part of writing and how the power of deadlines impacts their careers.

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Episode one coming soon!

Clare Lydon and TB Markinson are launching a weekly podcast called Lesbians Who Write. They’ll dish the dirt about writing and lesbian fiction. Stay tuned for more details, or if you’d like to be the first to give it a listen when it’s live, sign up for the Lesbians Who Write newsletter.

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