LWW 70: How’s 2020 Going So Far?

It’s bloody hot in London and Boston. Is it summer or something?

The duo has updated the LWW logo to fresh and funky. Also, to celebrate the release of One Golden Summer, they’ve organized a giveaway. The grand prize is a $50 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of the book.

TB is two chapters away from finishing the first draft of her London novella. In sad news, she had to cancel her final trip of 2020.

Clare went to the pub! She didn’t go inside, but they have a takeaway window, which is simply fantastic! In work news, she’s getting serious about London 7 because her editing deadline is rapidly approaching. Write, Clare, write!

As for their years so far, Clare is hesitant to ask TB how 2020 has been. On the writing and newsletter front, TB is doing okay. But all the tasks that didn’t need doing were put on the back burner to recover from her three-month illness.

Clare’s year so far has been brilliant. She’s smashing one goal after the next (as long as you don’t ask about her advertising goal). She has a wisdom tooth extraction coming up, but hopefully, she’ll be on the mend soon after. Oh, Clare also wants to be known as the Story Lady, which amuses and confuses TB.

It’s good to revisit yearly goals at the halfway point, and as Clare points out, it’s never too late to rejig things. TB is just hoping to see 2021.

How is your year going so far?

Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Next week, the pair will be back to discuss pen names.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB


One Golden Summer Giveaway: iheartlesfic.com/one-golden-summer-giveaway/

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