LWW 66: The Point of View Decision

TB’s health is on the mend, but she’s still easing back into working. She’s been juggling the end of two projects this week—Clare and TB’s cowrite, One Golden Summer, and another she has coming out later this year with Miranda MacLeod. Add a couple of audiobooks and she’s got plenty to keep her busy! Clare got a haircut from her wife, and they’re still married. Win! As well as the cowrite, she’s also been working on the audio for Before You Say I Do, as well as reading The Price of Salt. Finally. Turns out this is a classic she loves. Thumbs up all round.

Onto the big questions of the week: What’s your favourite point of view to write, and do you prefer single-perspective or alternating viewpoints? Both TB and Clare agree that first-person single viewpoint is their natural sweet spot, and it’s great for really getting inside the head of a character. TB’s Lizzie series is a case in point. Meanwhile, Clare has written 4 of her 15 novels in first person. She’s happy to write third-person alternating viewpoints, though, since it lends itself perfectly to a two-lead romance. However, TB says it does bring its own pronoun nightmare, which is specific to same-sex romances. Whose hand is where in those sex scenes?

Let them know what you like to write and read—first-person or third, single or alternating perspective?

Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB


Joanna Penn website tutorial: www.thecreativepenn.com/authorwebsite/

Tammi Le Breque book: www.amazon.com/Newsletter-Ninja-Become-Author-Mailing-ebook/dp/B07C6J8HP9/

The Price of Salt is referenced in Clare’s Book Recommendations: www.clarelydon.co.uk/clares-book-recommendations/

Summer Loving Collection: iheartlesfic.com/summer-loving/


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2 Responses to LWW 66: The Point of View Decision

  1. Carol H says:

    I did read it in like a day!!! or it never would have gotten done. It was extremely addictive!

    However, since then I have watched the film twice and now have an obsession with the Soundtrack so I am blaming Clare for this, as it all stems from the challenge of reading the book, which I have started reading again now!!!

    This was a great episode, really interesting. I think with POV I lean towards writing natural in first person from one POV but agree that is hard if you can’t tell the whole story just from their POV. Since I have dabbled with writing, POV depends on the type of story I am telling. As for reading, I don’t have a preference as long as the story is good.

  2. Pingback: LWW 69: Plotting | Lesbians Who Write

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