LWW 61: Comfort Reads and TV Shows

The duo is starting to go a bit stir-crazy, and both would like to go to a café to have a change of scenery. But they’re doing their part to save lives, which is much more important.

TB had some major work victories this week. She finished her summer short story for a lesfic anthology to be published in June. Also, after 12 hours, she’s finally caught up with her email. Woo-hoo!

Clare also has a major triumph that TB is still processing. After months and months of resistance, she finally set up a printer. That’s right, folks. Clare can now print and scan in her home office. It’s amazing to watch her grow in front of our very eyes—or ears.

Now for the question of the week: What do you turn to for entertainment in times of strife? On the TV front, TB is the darker of the two and has turned to shows that are intense and include wars, with bloody battle scenes. However, she switches to dark comedies before bed to avoid nightmares. Unlike TB, Clare is not a binge-watcher, and she’s slowly working her way through cooking shows, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, and other dark humor comedy programs. They both prefer snarky and clever humor, but they would fight over whether to binge or not.

On the book front, Clare is retreating into UK rom-coms and has challenged herself to read The Price of Salt during the lockdown, even if it is a classic. She has an aversion to classics. Although, she did conquer her printer resistance, so there may be hope for the book.

TB has drastically changed her reading preferences, leaning toward paranormal cozy mysteries and a Dick Van Dyke memoir. She thinks it’s because all of her days are pretty much the same and she’s craving something different.

What comfort reads and shows are getting you through these strange times? Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for a lively discussion about how they decide what to write next?

Link to Clare’s Book Recs: www.clarelydon.co.uk/clares-book-recommendations/

Happy listening!

Clare and TB


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2 Responses to LWW 61: Comfort Reads and TV Shows

  1. Pierrette Mugisha says:

    Great episode as always!

    I am finding it hard to choose something to watch…
    I have Prime Video and Netflix. Sometimes I just start a show and within the second episode I get bored. Books are the only thinks that are kipping my attention. Right now I am reading “Now & Then” by Monica McCallan.

  2. Carol H says:

    Great episode!!! And next week’s sounds super exciting and is a question I often wonder about, along with what story to you choose to debut *hides*

    I am using my quarantine time wisely to work through the stack of review books so I am reading all sorts of wonderful stories, and technically getting work done so have never been more productive! TV I rarely have time to watch, but we have a new series of The Great British Sewing Bee so I am happy, and finally making my way through my Rizzoli and Isles box set (although slowly) as I am savouring every moment.

    I should totally join Clare in reading The Price Of Salt, the book is on my shelf staring at me lol

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