LWW 60: What is Resistance?

TB and Clare are working on the second draft of their cowrite, and they survived a three-and-a-half-hour phone call going over the entire book. It was draining but time well spent.

TB has slowly been getting caught up with emails and admin tasks. Clare has purchased a chair but isn’t sure about it yet. Maybe in two weeks she won’t be so frown-y about it. Also, Clare is in the beginning stages of getting new covers for her All I Want series.

Clare has been watching videos about cutting hair, while TB took cat trimmers to the back of her head and learned it’s hard to keep it even.

Now for the question of the week: What is resistance and how to overcome it? Resistance comes for you every single day and can manifest in many ways such as: cleaning, checking social media, online shopping, or trimming your toenails. What’s the basis of it? Fear, procrastination, arrogance, self-sabotage, and self-doubt. TB opens up about an epic battle with resistance two Januaries ago when she almost quit writing. It was a dark time for her. Clare shares about a recent episode of resistance and another time when she struggled (also during a January) and hired a life coach. The duo believes the way to beat resistance is to acknowledge it and to stick with habits, rituals, deadlines, and goals. Or as Clare says: learn to dance with it.

How do you battle resistance? Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for a chat about what entertainment the two turn to during times of strife.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

Links Mentioned in the Episode:

Project Laughter on I Heart Lesfic: iheartlesfic.com/project-laughter-contributions/

The War of Art: www.amazon.com/War-Art-Steven-Pressfield-ebook/dp/B007A4SDCG/

The Art of Asking: www.amazon.com/Art-Asking-Learned-Worrying-People-ebook/dp/B00IRISKD6/

Fast Draft Your Memoir: www.amazon.com/Fast-Draft-Your-Memoir-Write-Story-ebook/dp/B07945BD95/

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