LWW 59: The Duo Answer Listener Questions

TB has big news: she and Clare finished the first draft of their cowrite! The next step is to read it over Easter weekend to see what’s working and what isn’t. This is the exciting stage, when a story really takes shape. In bad news, TB forgot to renew her website domain for the second year in a row. It’s like she doesn’t learn.

Clare has exciting news, too. The audio version of A Taste of Love is out. Also, she ticked off making banana cake on her middle-class bingo card. Not only that, she’s been Zooming so much she needs to schedule Zoom-free nights. She claims she’s an introvert, but it’s hard to believe given her lockdown social calendar.

They move on to answering questions from listeners. The topics cover a wide spectrum from characters from Friends, sex scenes, audiobooks, outlines, inspiration, the myth of words flowing and flowing from magical writing inspiration, music playlists, and live book events. They both learn something they didn’t know about the other, and there’s lots of laughing and teasing, because that’s what friends do during difficult times.

What Friends’ character are you most like? Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for a chat about resistance, something they both know a thing or two about.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

Book Link:

A Taste of Love audiobook: www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/a-taste-of-love/

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1 Response to LWW 59: The Duo Answer Listener Questions

  1. Carol H says:

    What a fantastic episode! Lots of fun and great learning a little more about you both.

    For the next time you do a Q&A, I have a question: If you could have any of your books transformed into a television series or a movie, which one would you choose and why?

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