LWW 58: How Do You Write A Blurb?

TB is feeling better (hurrah!), but while convalescing, she’s been busy catching up on The L Word: Gen Q and Gentleman Jack. Her lesbian points have been topped up. But even though she’s been sick, she’s kept up with the cowrite she’s doing with Clare. So far, it’s going well, and they’re two-thirds of the way through. Also, TB gets math right! Amazing. Meanwhile, Clare was a guest on UKRomChat, and she had a great time answering their questions – check out her Twitter timeline to catch up. She also reveals a new source of library-related income.

Then it’s onto the topic at hand: blurbs. TB hates the word, but she agrees with Clare they’re one of the hardest things to do as an author. They’ve both outsourced them in their time, but what they learned was nobody knows your book as well as you do, and you can probably do it better. The key is to put dedicated time aside, and don’t settle on your first effort. Write it again and again. Make it enticing to readers, and don’t summarize your plot. Blurbs need to be short, snappy, sexy, & selly. Yes, that is a word.

What do you think about writing blurbs? Any tips we missed? Or just ask us a question about anything for next week’s episode. Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email us at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for another insightful chat as we answer your questions.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB


Adam Croft’s Writing Killer Blurbs & Hooks: www.amazon.com/Writing-Killer-Blurbs-Author-Mindset-ebook/dp/B07VL2CW1G/

Bryan Cohen’s How to Write A Sizzling Synopsis: www.amazon.com/Write-Sizzling-Synopsis-Step-Step-ebook/dp/B01HYBWOF6/

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3 Responses to LWW 58: How Do You Write A Blurb?

  1. shelly bonsall says:

    Questions (from Podbean Shelly) for next podcast:
    1. Can you each explain your writing process from idea to finished product?
    2. How does the writing life effect your family life?
    3. What is your least favorite thing you do as a writer?
    4. What is the thing you enjoy most about being a writer?
    5. What is your absolute favorite book?
    6. What inspires you most to write?
    7. What has been the most challenging obstacle you have overcome as a writer?
    8. What is your favorite children’s book?
    9. Have you had writers block and if so how did you overcome it?
    10. What is your favorite color!

  2. Pierrette Mugisha says:


    Great episode as always! I listened to it on my walk and was afraid of what the other walkers were thinking when they saw my grin that I was trying to hide but failing! You always put me in a good mood! Period.

    When I read the title of the episode I was like “what’s a blurb?”. I call them premises.
    I asked my friend google for both words and if you use the logical explanation of the word “premise” I guess it works? But “blurb” is the word! 😉

  3. Rachel Morris says:


    I’m one of those readers who would like a short blurb. Like claire said, about 3 seconds to catch a readers attention. It the blurb is too long it’s usually a pass for me. The exception usually is, if it is an author that I like, in which I tend to get their books without reading the blurb.

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