LWW 57: Cowriting and How is Theirs Going?

TB is clogged up and has no idea if it’s a cold (she’s prone to them) or the virus, but she requested to record early to ensure this episode gets out. She’s also launched A Woman Complete, the last book in the Lizzie series. And, she put together a Lizzie fan quiz including questions to all the books leading up to the final. There are prizes involved, the grand one being a $100 Amazon gift card.

Clare admits social distancing isn’t all that new for her. She’s doing her best to keep to her 2020 schedule. Even reconciling her February accounts. Exciting news for those who purchase books on Ylva’s platform. Many of Clare’s books are now available there. It seems Clare purchased her printer just in time, because the libraries in her area have closed, and she’ll need to print a draft of the cowrite soon. Now, she just needs to figure out how to hook it up. What could possibly go wrong?

The duo moves on to the topic: Cowriting, including how they set it up and how it’s going. They started to discuss the particulars of the project months ago, but they knew TB would be in the UK in March and held off with some of the details until after their research trip to Whitstable, where the cowrite is set. They’re each writing a chapter a day, and both agree it’s exciting to watch the story unfold. It’s the first time they’ve shared their first draft with the other, which brings up a valuable point. It’s important to know your cowriter well before beginning because there needs to be a level of trust due to the vulnerability and level of exposure. Even with everything going on, they still started the project on time and, so far (knock on wood), are on track to meet their first editing deadline.

Links mentioned in the podcast:

A Woman Complete: lesbianromancesbytbm.com/books/a-woman-lost-series/

Link to Lizzie Quiz: iheartlesfic.com/a-woman-lost-series-quiz/

Link to Clare’s Ylva Page: www.ylva-publishing.com/authors/clare-lydon/

Next week, the two will be answering questions from listeners, so head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a question you’d like answered. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stay safe, stay indoors, and keep writing.

Clare and TB

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2 Responses to LWW 57: Cowriting and How is Theirs Going?

  1. Pierrette Mugisha says:

    Hello from the Kingdome of my home office!
    I am an introvert too, and even I am finding it hard to stay indoors. It’s like that now that I am forced to stay home I want to go out and about and mingle! It’s crazy!

    As always, great episode!

    I finished reading “A Woman Complete” last weekend. And TB, you always say at the end of your books that you are amazed by people reading your stories, and all I can think when reading that is how I am amazed that you managed to write 7 great books and make them different and alike at the same time ( if that makes any sense! 🙂 ). It will be one of the series that I go back to read again (so far it’s the only one!)

    Right now I am reading Clare’s “You Are My Kind” and loving it. I might have gone to bed at 2 am because I couldn’t put it down. Ahem.

    Questions for next episode:
    1. Is there any truth that you can’t write good sex scenes if you haven’t done it yourself?
    2. When creating characters, do you borrow some qualities from real people or movie characters?
    3. What’s on your playlist when doing a road trip? Or what’s your ideal music playlist? (Mine would have all JLO music and Shania Twain)

  2. Nik says:

    I am just curious if having T.B. publish the book done on purpose? Did she lose a bet or something or is Clare really that much better at the layout? Asking because those of us that listen know how much T.B. struggles with it. I figured it would have been the other way around. Inquiring minds want to know. =]

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