LWW 55: Which Writers We’d Invite to Our Ideal Dinner Party

TB has a fear of marching bands, and Clare needs to find a new American diner in London.

TB has been busy prepping everything before her trip to London, including the launch of her upcoming release: A Woman Complete. Also, she finished the first draft of the cowrite with Miranda MacLeod. In shocking news, she purchased an item she’s needed for years.

Clare launched her book: Before You Say I Do. Exciting times! And, it’s number one on the charts. She had to postpone recording because of a downpour in London. It was a grim day. Grim! She has stocked up on cream crackers so she’s all set for anything that comes her way.

The duo moves on to the topic: which writers they’d invite to their ideal dinner party. Like normal, they came at the question differently, and TB didn’t understand that she’d have to provide food and drinks for party guests, even imaginary ones. Clare on the other hand, is a pro when it comes to this. TB, the historian, does have some dead writers, which Clare is excited about because she can drink their wine. Priorities. Both of them didn’t include certain guests because they knew the other would invite them. They know each other that well after podcasting together for a year. While they came at the question differently, Clare hopes these dinner parties actually happen in the future, so if you can help spread the word, that’d be fab. TB is keen on meeting her dead guests, because she’s weird like that. 

Clare’s Book: Before You Say I Do: www.clarelydon.co.uk/books/before-you-say-i-do/

What guests would you invite? Let them know. Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for another entertaining chat.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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