LWW 42: How Do You Schedule Writing Over the Holidays?

It’s the run-up to the holiday season, which as everyone knows is the time where we all go bonkers buying presents and drinking too much eggnog. TB has been busy writing all the words for her final Lizzie book (sob!), as well as doing three weeks of work in seven days so she can take a vacation. She managed it. Go, TB! Meanwhile, Clare is back to writing every day, and her new book is coming on at pace. Expect a title reveal very soon. Yes, she finally has one. Whoop!

This week’s question is somewhat sidetracked when the duo talks about Christmas books they’ve written. TB has only started writing them in the past two years. Clare hasn’t written one since her successful 2015 novel, All I Want For Christmas and has no idea why that’s the case. She loves Christmas. Readers love her festive books. She asks if TB knows why she’s been resisting writing a new Christmas book. TB tells her the answer. Clare is speechless.

Fitting in your writing around the holiday season is a bitch, but it pays to do so, as well as remembering to enjoy this time of year, too. Planning is key, as it is all year round. The pair agree they must get better at planning Christmas books from now on. And also at planning in general. 2020 is the year of planning. Probably.


Holly & Ivy giveaway link: iheartlesfic.com/giveaway/holly-and-ivy-giveaway/

All I Want For Christmas by Clare Lydon: getbook.at/LydonChristmas

It Had To Be You by Clare Lydon (free when you sign up for Clare’s VIP Reader Club): www.clarelydon.co.uk/it-had-to-be-you

They’d love to hear how you work your schedule around busy times of the year! Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for another insightful chat about how to research a book.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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1 Response to LWW 42: How Do You Schedule Writing Over the Holidays?

  1. Nik says:

    You two are entertaining as usual! I do have a question for you both though. Do you find it more difficult to write a holiday novel vs a normal one because of having to be “in the spirit” of the season?

    And since Clare is quite stubborn, we should all tell her NOT to write a Christmas novel and see what happens! Mwhahahaha

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