LWW 41: What is an ARC Team, and How Do You Build One?

Clare had to overcome profound sadness regarding her beloved Tottenham football team, but Costa saved her week by putting raisin-filled pastries back on the menu. TB, the raisin hater, is appalled but also happy for Clare. She can have all of the raisins. While Clare has had an up-and-down week, TB has been digging into the second draft of Lizzie and accidentally scared Clare by going off the grid for two days in a row, something TB hardly ever does. TB has learned to notify Clare before she pampers herself at a spa.

The duo then moves on to the topic of the day: what are ARC teams and how to build one. TB defines ARC as advance reader copy, surprising Clare, who didn’t know the term had changed from review to reader copy. The goal is to send team members a copy of a novel before publication so when the novel is live, reviews can hopefully start right away, helping the book gain visibility.

That’s great, but how do you get one in the first place? Both of them asked their newsletter subscribers to join their ARC teams. If you don’t have an author newsletter, TB really thinks you should get one ASAP. ARC teams do need to be refreshed, which Clare is determined to do soon. A big bonus for having extra eyes on the book before publication is many ARC team members are fantastic typo hunters. Basically, ARC teams are a vital part of publishing, and Clare and TB can’t thank their team members enough.


Details for the I Heart Lesfic mega sale: iheartlesfic.com/2019-mega-xmas-sale-invite/

Clare’s guest blog: jae-fiction.com/lesbian-romance-author-clare-lydon-a-giveaway/

They’d love to hear about your ARC team experiences. Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for a chat about surviving the crazy festive period.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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2 Responses to LWW 41: What is an ARC Team, and How Do You Build One?

  1. Kathy Azzolina says:

    Hi TB and Clare,

    As a member of TB’s ARC team, I feel an obligation to leave a review. When an author gives me a free book, it’s the least I can do. As authors, I think you should expect that from us. This is your blood, sweat and tears you’re offering us!

    I love both of your writing styles so Clare, if you’re looking for new ARC members, I’d be honored.

    TB, I will definitely cherish your final Lizzie book – gulp! Oh, how I’ve enjoyed her!

    Another great podcast, ladies.

    Kathy A.

    • admin says:

      Hi Kathy!

      It’s a joy to have you on my ARC team and I really hope the final Lizzie book won’t disappoint.

      Thanks so much for listening!


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