LWW 39: What Skills from Previous Jobs Have Helped You in Your Writing Career?

TB takes offense at being called a certain Y word, and she’s already cringing about the Z possibilities next week.

First, what have TB and Clare been up to this week?

TB got a rough draft done of Lizzie, which she knows needs a lot of work. Thinking about it makes her want to binge on cookie dough. The big news, she’s released Holly & Ivy, a holiday romance she cowrote with Miranda MacLeod. If you live for the holidays and love, this is the book for you. Speaking of holidays, TB watched a Hallmark Christmas movie and has some questions for Clare, who is addicted to them. TB just doesn’t get them.

Clare’s back from Hong Kong, where she spent time with family and friends. Also, she met up with Harper Bliss and her Mrs. While in Hong Kong, Clare learned two things. One has to do with boats and the other her butt cheeks. TB wasn’t expecting either revelation. Clare has been trying to get back into the writing groove, but new words have been slow going. About one a minute.

During the comment section, TB ponders if they talk too much about Clare’s nipples.

Now for the main topic about what jobs have helped their writing careers. Both have a background in academia and media. Coincidence, perhaps? The world almost lost Clare to a PhD focusing on violence and power, but a tutor said Clare’s thesis was too readable. (Is there such a thing?) Now the successful rom-com writer is having the last word, and TB thinks the world is a better place for it. While both had job experiences they didn’t enjoy, they ended up taking pieces from each job and applying the skills to running their own writing businesses. Clare wisely states: Do the best you can in the job you’re doing. You’ll learn more if you do it well, and the skills will come back around. TB is in awe.


Find Holly & Ivy here: lesbianromancesbytbm.com/books/holly-ivy/

Visit Clare’s new website here: www.clarelydon.co.uk

They’d love to hear about what job skills you’ve put to use in your writing career. Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for another hilarious conversation regarding what the duo loves and hates about the lesbian romance genre.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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4 Responses to LWW 39: What Skills from Previous Jobs Have Helped You in Your Writing Career?

  1. JB Marsden says:

    I have a PhD in health organization, which shows up in most of my novels one way or another. My WIP features a new executive director of Valley View Medical Center in rural Colorado. Writing academic papers, book, research grants, project grants, etc. has not assisted in writing novels, per se. LOL.

    • admin says:

      I have to agree with you that writing academic articles doesn’t help much with fiction, although, it did teach me a necessary aspect: I had to sit my buttocks down in a chair and write.

      What part of rural Colorado is your book set?

      Thanks so much for listening!


  2. Donna Renee says:

    Well ladies I’ve been diligently writing 1800 words daily. The writing bug’s bit and this may just bear some fruit. My work experience as a teacher at the grade school and undergraduate levels and contributor for business magazines and non-profit organizations.

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