LWW 38: What Book or Books Have Changed Your Life?

TB needs a dictionary to understand Clare’s introduction. How many X adjectives can you think of to describe TB?

First, what have TB and Clare been up to this week?

TB has been writing blog posts and newsletters in preparation of the launch of Holly & Ivy, due out on November 18th, which seems much sooner than TB originally thought when she set the date. Taking care of administrative tasks may not be the most exciting part of the writing life, but she gets to work in her pajamas, so that’s a win. On the health front, TB has been having problems with her left shoulder. Her massage therapist worked on a knot and lectured TB about not missing future appointments. Being a healthy writer includes a physical aspect, and TB needs to remember that.

Clare went to lunch with another writer who has recently taken up dictation to combat sitting for long hours. Clare is resistant to the concept since she loves the feel of typing. This conversation led to a sex joke that nearly cost TB her life. Do not drink tea around Clare. You never know when she’ll crack a lewd, but hilarious, joke. On the work front, Clare has been tweaking her covers and uploading new paperback versions on KDP.

A comment by a reader leads to more adult talk. Clare seems determined to knock the prude right out of TB.

The duo transitions to the topic of the week: what book or books have changed their lives? Clare broke it down to 3 types: ones read during her childhood, lesfic books that made her think she’d like to write lesbian fiction, and a book that had a true impact on her life in general. Not surprisingly, given the way the episode has gone so far, there’s more sex talk. For an episode about books, there’s a surprising amount of sex chatter. TB shares the book that she’s convinced turned her into a lifelong reader, a classic that showed her having flawed characters is perfectly acceptable, and a lesfic book that convinced TB lesbians belong in stories.

They’d love to hear about what books have changed their listeners’ lives. Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for another entertaining chat about what skills from their former jobs have aided their writing careers.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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6 Responses to LWW 38: What Book or Books Have Changed Your Life?

  1. Carol H says:

    Another great episode, and some amazing book recommendations. Playing the Role of Herself is totally amazing!!!

    Must say I loved reading as a child then when I was a teenager I just lost it, so I owe all my reading love as an adult to 50 Shades of Grey. Everyone was going on about it and so I had to see what all the fuss was about. Definitely my guilty pleasure! However, it was my inspiration to write Fanfic, and that led to my discovery of certain fanfic converted published books and the wonderful world of Lesfic, so I guess I owe that book a lot.

    The lesfic that changed my life has to be Emma Sterner-Radley’s novella Life Pushes You Along. I read it at a time when I really needed to get out of a job that was making it miserable and it inspired me to make changes in my life, and look out for myself a bit more than I was. A lovely read, and I like to shine a light on it when I can because it’s just a lovely, inspiring story.

    • admin says:

      Hi Carol!

      I’ve heard from many readers that 50 Shade of Grey instilled a love of reading. That book has impacted millions all over the world and kudos to the author.

      I also really enjoyed Emma’s book. And, she’s such a kind person.

      Thanks so much for listening!


  2. Donna Renee says:

    The Ladies of Llangollen about two 18th century women who lived their lives and loved each other in a small Irish village. I don’t remember the original author but Doris Grumbach has written a book about them. A book that had girls who fell in love, rand away and made a life for themselves. There’s Tolkein’s works, The Hobbit & Lord of the Rings that made me want to write. The Tomoe Gozen Saga by Jessica Salmonson made me believe I could be a warrior. There are so many books I’ve read that I can’t single out just a few. Good listening since I’d finished my word count for today for NaNoWriMo.

    • admin says:

      It was difficult for me to come up with my list of books for this episode since I kept wanting to add more titles. There are just so many that have impacted me. You’ve listed a couple I haven’t read. Will add them to my towering TBR pile.

      Thanks so much for listening!


  3. Ali says:

    I love To Kill a Mockingbird and have read it multiple times. I even named my cats Scout, Jem and Dill, my turtles are Boo and Radley. I wanted to name one of our dogs Atticus but my wife said it was too big a name for a little Jack Russell. I have a bit of a love hate relationship with Sarah Waters books, Tipping the Velvet, Fingersmith and The Paying Guests are genius, the others I hated. I also had to find out what happened in Fingersmith calling work pretending to be sick so that I could finish it.

    • admin says:

      Now I feel the need to reread To Kill a Mockingbird. It’s such a fantastic book and I love the names for the cats and turtles.

      I would have called out of work as well if I had to when I reached part two of Fingersmith. I think only bookworms would understand this.

      Thanks so much for listening!


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