LWW 37: What Writing Tools We Couldn’t Live Without

Clare is away on holiday, leaving TB in charge. Don’t panic! (Maybe a little.) They recorded earlier because they’re professional-like.

First, what have TB and Clare been up to this week?

Speaking of panicking, TB has been because being sick set her back on getting new words written in the first draft of Lizzie that’s due with the editor mid-November. To make matters worse, she’s getting ready to launch the holiday romance book she’s cowritten with Miranda MacLeod: Holly & Ivy. TB keeps proving she’s really bad at planning. There’s more. A new story that’s been percolating in TB’s head is screaming to be written, and TB will have to dig deep to stay focused on the Lizzie story.

Clare is planning on writing while flying but won’t write while spending time with her wife and family because it’s important to have a break. However, Clare is also freaking out since she hasn’t written much during her launch. She’ll be gunning for words and is considering committing to a half NaNoWriMo. On the business front, Clare attended a Facebook training, which was free along with coffee and snacks. She’s easy that way.

A listener comment generates debate about whether or not an author would read a novel by an unpublished writer. TB gets slightly confused, but Clare is there to save her bacon yet again.

The cohosts move on to the topic of the week: what writing tools could they not live without? The duo came at this question completely differently, not surprising since they’re hardly ever on the same page. TB shares what she must have in order to ensure a successful writing day. Clare proves she’s the serious one of the two, listing all the tools pros have in their arsenal. TB does have most, except for one, and she’s really resistant to it. TB is surprised Clare was very old-school about one aspect of the biz really early on in her career.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Scrivener: www.literatureandlatte.com/scrivener/overview

BookFunnel: bookfunnel.com/

Vellum: vellum.pub

Book Brush: bookbrush.com

They’d love to hear from listeners about what writing tools they couldn’t live without or what ones have changed the writing game. Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Stop back next week for a hilarious conversation about what book or books have changed their lives.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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