LWW 151: The Power Of Finishing

We’re gathering questions for an Ask Us Anything episode, so please send some our way.

This is the last week of season 1 of A London Love Story. For 16 weeks, TB and Miranda have been publishing 5 episodes each week, meaning there are 80 in total. Two of a Kind is heading to the ARC team this week. Toot toot! In bad news, TB just figured out the LWW Buy Us a Coffee account had mysteriously been unconnected from the Stripe account, so all payments submitted in 2022 were never processed. It’s been reconnected to Stripe, and payments can go through now.

Clare has had a lot of things going on in the background, so she hasn’t made as much progress as she wanted to on the vineyard book. In business news, she’s testing different prices on platforms. This Friday is Clare’s movie debut at the British Film Institute. To refresh your memory, she’s part of a butch gang in the film, but she’s not sure of how much airtime she’ll get or what scenes ended up on the editing floor. In award news, Clare finally received her 2021 Goldie, and it’s beautiful.

They move on to the topic: the power of finishing. Since TB is finishing two projects, she walks the listener through all the to-dos to get a book to the publication and launch stage. Then, TB shares how she manages everything and what helps her dig deep to find the energy to power through the tedious end stage of a project. Clare came at the question differently and focused on the mindset of the power of finishing.

How do you power through?

Also, don’t forget to send us questions for the Ask Us Anything episode.

Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Next week, they’ll be back to chat about when to start your holiday novel.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB


A London Love Story: www.amazon.com/A-London-Love-Story/dp/B09KP4SRJ5/


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