LWW 148: Author Brands

TB is in full panic mode, trying to make a March 1 edit deadline, but authors would never finish a project without the fear of a deadline. She didn’t do a great job planning everything going on behind the scenes leading up to this one and has been managing a lot of stuff while also trying to meet the writing deadline. On March 1, TB may collapse out of exhaustion and not get up for a week.

The words for Clare’s latest book are flowing out of her, a good thing because she also has a March deadline. Fortunately for Clare, hers is on the 25th. Like TB, Clare is also struggling to get her book over the finish line, proving that writing is hard and stressful. In life news, for the first time ever, Clare gave blood to honor her great niece’s first birthday.

They move on to the topic: author brands. TB takes the reins for this episode, explaining how having the right author brand helps create a fan base and a connection with readers. In the beginning, TB didn’t have much of a plan when it came to her brand, but over time, it evolved. Have a listen to what they consider their core brand values and why they matter.

What’s your author brand?

Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Next week, they’ll be back with more sparkly conversation.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

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5 Responses to LWW 148: Author Brands

  1. Patricia (trying to be concise but failling royally) says:

    I think brands is quite important and as a reader I rely on it when I pick a book. Like the the email Tb received, when I know an author I hardly look at blurb. So I know when I pick a TB or Clare book they’ll give me a good time, with laugh, witty dialogues, heartwarming moments and HFN/HEA. And on top of all that, especially with Clare (I suppose for obvious reasons) there is the British references. I feel like Brit from The Date lol. Seriously, I love when I get references (British or not) and when I don’t, searching and learning something new makes it lots of fun.

    Perhaps trying something different here and there it’s cool to see how we readers react, but unless it’s something rather unsavory I think people do well sticking with their brands. One can never please all, just like Angelica and Alexander, they will never be satisfied.

  2. Neen Cohen says:

    Love what you have both listed as your brands. Spot on as well.
    My own brand is very young but Aussie sapphic speculative fiction. Even the romance I’m writing has magic realism in it and everything is very Aussie, and I love it. For my personal brand I’ve always focused in my live on Being Brave, Being Kind, and more so since 2020 Being Safe. Cruelty is not needed.

    P.S. I’m very excited I’m able to comment on the website now 😀

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