LWW 147: Winter Olympics and Writing

TB is sad about the topic because she’s cold and doesn’t want to talk about anything to do with winter because she’s over it. In Kindle Vella news, A London Love Story, the cowrite with Miranda MacLeod, is ranked really well on the platform. In other amazing news, IHL, TB’s website dedicated to sapphic fiction, got 10,000 views in one week. Even though TB was freezing on the day of recording this episode, three days prior, it was beautiful outside, and TB went for an adventure with Pepper, her car, and was able to feel the sun on her forearms. Amazing!

It’s been very wet in London, but Clare learned her office space has a fantastic rain feature in the middle of the building. Clare’s spring release briefly stuttered because she couldn’t get ahold of a vineyard, making TB think she needs to come up with better excuses, but as it turns out, Clare’s book is set on a vineyard, something she’d been keeping a secret. She’s hoping to get back on track this week. Wine should help to get her in the mood, but not sure about helping her wordcount. In unexpected news, Clare’s going global. She’s signed two German contracts for audiobooks. Over the weekend, Clare went to watch the Spurs play, but sadly, she got drenched on the way there and back. Also, her team played horribly.

They crash on to the topic: winter Olympics and what writers can learn from athletes. TB, who’s tired of winter, didn’t want to discuss this subject because she wants spring, so Clare took the reins. Clare’s been watching the events, particularly paying attention to how the athletes deal with winning and losing, and she shares her thoughts about what writers can learn from Olympians. As a bonus, the duo also shares stories about their own winter-type adventures that nearly killed them.

Have you learned any lessons from the incredible athletes?

Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Next week, they’ll be back to discuss author brands.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB


A London Love Story: www.amazon.com/A-London-Love-Story/dp/B09KP4SRJ5/

IHL: iheartlesfic.com

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1 Response to LWW 147: Winter Olympics and Writing

  1. Yvonne Ashmore says:

    I’ve read that a lot of authors keep daily journals, a habit many of them have had since childhood. Do either of you keep a journal ? It seems like it would take time from your writing. But as I get older I see how it would be handy to remind me what I had for lunch the previous day ! I imagine a personal journal would be chronicle daily activities, emotional reactions and maybe even writing ideas.


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