LWW 145: Differences Between F/F and M/M Fiction

TB is in a state this episode. A massive storm dumped a shedload of snow and while digging out her car, TB wrecked her back yet again. Also, since the storm, there’s been major snow removal operations, involving construction trucks that keep beeping day and night. Basically, TB hasn’t slept in 48 hours, and it quickly became obvious during the recording. Two words: hot mess. To round out a really terrible time, Amazon’s ranking issues have greatly impacted TB’s latest release, The Proposal, because that’s what she needed on top of everything else.

While the duo recorded this episode, Clare was fun and frothy in Whitstable, sitting on a daybed, balancing her laptop between her thighs. During her writing retreat, she’s been getting up every morning, going for a walk along the seafront, 3 hours of writing, lunch, another walk, then another writing block. During her walks, she’s realized that Whitstable is forever tied to One Golden Summer, the duo’s cowrite based there. In new writing news, she wrote 4k on her first day of the retreat. Go Clare!

During the comment section, TB’s sleep-deprived brain has a complete meltdown. Sorry, Patricia!

They bang on to the topic: f/f versus m/m stories. The topic was proposed by a listener, and it’d been timed perfectly, because Clare was in Whitstable with an m/m author. Luckily for TB, and the listener, Clare steers this conversation, breaking down the differences and explaining the factors to consider. It boils down to studying the market, which is crucial for any genre a writer pursues.

What do you think are the differences between f/f and m/m, aside from the obvious?

Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Next week they’ll be back with more sparkly conversation.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB

The Proposal:  iheartlesfic.com/the-proposal-by-tb-markinson/

M/M Squirrel Example: www.amazon.com/Nuts-About-Nutty-Romances-Book-ebook/dp/B019X1MXKQ/


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3 Responses to LWW 145: Differences Between F/F and M/M Fiction

  1. Brandy says:

    I really enjoyed this show, who knew women were the main audience of M/M fiction. I’m still laughing, and picturing lesbian squirrels (thanks TB.) And for shits and giggles
    Lespych: Lesfic writer therapy. Dear Clair &TB. I’m fucked off with… 🙂

    TB, write us a story about squirrels at a sapphic Furries’ convention. One glance at that red furred beauty with her slick creamy bosom… See what you started TB 😉

  2. Neen Cohen says:

    Brilliant episode. I’ve just read my first MM beta read for a fellow author and it’s definitely been eye opening with tropes and expectations.
    And yes, TB I’m the same, MORE pirates in sapphic fiction 🙂

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