LWW 138: Lesfic Comfort Reads

Lizzie is out in the world! Toot, toot! In writing news, TB’s London novella is heading to the editor on December 1. This story has been a joy to write because it’s like a love letter to London, which is a place TB sorely misses. In not so fun news, TB has sent in her final quarterly tax payment for 2021, and she’s determined she has a new goal in life: become a billionaire to never have to pay taxes again.

Clare is still plodding along writing words that she thinks are rubbish. (They’re not, but it’s hard to get her to believe during this stage.) In planning news, she’s sorted her 2022 writing projects. In podcast news, Clare is going on Joanna Penn’s travel podcast because Clare is fancy like that. Speaking of fancy, Clare will be making a big screen debut in 2022, but she’s not clear about the release date yet. So exciting!

They shift gears to the main topic: lesfic comfort reads. This episode was inspired by a tweet by Monica McCallan, a fellow lesfic author. They dig into the topic and not unexpectedly, they came at the question differently. In surprising news, TB had to yank away all of Clare’s lesbian fiction author points because she failed a simple quiz and hasn’t read TB’s lesbian fiction comfort read. In a twist, Clare-the-classic-hater listed a handful of classic lesbian fiction reads. It’s like the world has turned upside down!

What are your lesfic comfort reads?

Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Next time, they’ll be back to chat about how 2021 went for each of them.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB


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A Woman Unhinged: iheartlesfic.com/a-woman-unhinged/

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4 Responses to LWW 138: Lesfic Comfort Reads

  1. Kathy Azzolina says:

    I love the books that both of you write. The characters are always well developed, your descriptions are full and tantalizing, and the situations you put your characters in are often hilarious. I very much enjoy the podcast which allows us to get to know you a little better. But… TB… you have got to stop hating everything about yourself. You are a very talented writer. Not everyone can do that. Be proud and accept that you’re actually good at something. And this podcast continues to inspire new writers out there every week. It’s time to own up to the good that you do. And Clare, keep up the great work. You put the fun and warmth into this podcast! You two are a perfect team!

  2. Clare says:

    Totally agree Kathy, well said! TB is talented and funny. Now we just have to convince her. ;0)

    Clare x

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