LWW 126: What 3 Things Are You Going to Accomplish by the End of the Year?

TB has been swamped getting Girl Love Happens: Season Three ready to launch, and she uploaded the file early on KDP due to a hurricane warning. In more shiny-new-object news, the third box set of Lizzie is now available in audio. And, TB’s car-buying saga continues.

In Clare’s world, she’s working on Change of Heart, but there was a brief scare when she thought the book wasn’t workable. After a walk along the Thames, she was in a better mind frame to whip it into shape to send it to the editor. In fab news, the Brazilian translation of Before You Say I Do launched and its number one! In love news, Clare attended a wedding.

The duo has a first in LWW history and they’re both thrilled about it!

They crash on to the main topic: what 3 things are you going to accomplish by the end of the year? They break down their goals into different categories, including writing, running their author businesses, and mental health. Both compare their goals to the previous year and why and when they had to pivot in 2021. Naturally, the pandemic, world events, and life in general are impacting them and it’s hard to stay positive these days.

What do you want to accomplish before the end of the year?

Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB


Buy Us a Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/LesWhoWrite

Girl Love Happens: Season Three: iheartlesfic.com/girl-love-happens-season-three/

IHL 2022 Reading Challenge: iheartlesfic.com/book-submission-form-for-2022-ihl-reading-challenge/

Friday Feels: iheartlesfic.com/introducing-friday-feels/

Before You Say I Do (Brazilian Edition): www.amazon.com.br/Antes-que-você-diga-sim-ebook/dp/B09BMDT83H/

A Woman Lost: Boxes Series Books 6-8: www.amazon.com/Woman-Lost-Box-Books-6-8/dp/B09D5HL2BB

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