LWW 125: If You Died Tomorrow, What Would You Be Most Proud Of?

TB is back from vacation and is feeling blue that it’s over much too soon. In fantabulous news: Girl Love Happens: Season Three is releasing August 27th, and it’s available for preorder right now. Toot toot! I Heart Lesfic is launching a new feature called Friday Feels to help TB recapture that Friday feeling. Clare suggests a Friday song by Cud, and not surprisingly, TB has never heard of the band or song.

Clare’s new book is due with the editor fairly soon, so she’s plugging away like the pro she is. She’s got her fingers and toes crossed for a holiday away this autumn. Please send positive mojo. In “conquering the world” news, Clare’s books have been purchased in a handful of countries she hasn’t sold in before. Now that football has started, she has high hopes for her team, Tottenham, to have a smashing good season. Once again, please send positive mojo.

They crash on to the main topic: if you died tomorrow, what would you be most proud of? When Clare proposed this topic, three things immediately came to TB’s mind, and Clare tried to come up with something funny but ended up being gushy (odd for a Brit!). While TB’s things revolve around fears she continually confronts, Clare went the profound route.

What are you most proud of?

Head over to www.lesbianswhowrite.com, and leave a comment on the episode. Or you can email them at: lesbianswhowrite@gmail.com.

Happy listening!

Clare and TB


Buy Us a Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/LesWhoWrite

Girl Love Happens: Season Three: iheartlesfic.com/girl-love-happens-season-three/

Friday Feels: iheartlesfic.com/introducing-friday-feels/

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